K-12 English Learners Training
Improving the academic outcomes of English learners through systemic change.
K-12 EL Stats
teachers supported in ESOL coursework
English Learners receiving grant-sponsored literacy software
English learning family members attend annual family outreach
Lean More About Us

What We Do
We collaborate with school districts to provide: graduate-level training, professional development, and access to literary interventions for educators; language instruction for family members of English Learners; and evaluation services to school administrators overseeing language acquisition programming.

Who We Are
With a long history of serving Northeast Kansas school communities, our team adopts a diverse and multi-disciplinary approach to supporting administrators, educators, students, and families.

"I can really see the growth across the years for the families who were attending since we started the program."
Kristen Scott
Former Director of English to Speakers of Other Language and Migrant Services at KCKPS